Monday, August 27, 2018

Welcome to WHAP!

Welcome to World History AP (WHAP)! We are so excited to have you in class this year. You are the best of the best, and we're lucky to be your teachers! Despite what you've heard, WHAP is a very manageable just have to stay on top of things and ask us for help whenever you need it!

Tonight/before class tomorrow, we would like you to: 
-Get your materials, especially your 5-subject spiral!
-Get your AP letter signed
-Get your CFISD password changed (must be done on a school computer)

We will be helping you  join our Google Classrooms tomorrow in class. There, you will be able to find a lot of helpful information and attachments. However, please use this blog for the calendar at the bottom! It will tell you your reading assignments and any upcoming major grades!

Your first reading quiz is scheduled for September 12th.  If you keep up with the pages as we assign them, it's not hard to stay on top of things! To help you do this, we have scanned PDFs of the first set of reading pages. You will be able to access these PDFs via your Google Classroom. Remember, your notes must be in your own handwriting and must be taken in the 3rd section of your 5-subject spiral notebook.

If you're worried about reading notes, come in and ask us for help! We'll be doing reading note tutorials each day after school for the first two weeks.

Eventually, you will have to read from the online textbook. You can access this the same way you access textbooks for your other classes, but you will need the access code given to you in class. Ask your teacher if you lost it! Once you put in the access code, you will have to create a log-in to read the textbook. See your teacher if you run into any issues.

Looking forward to a great year, Wildcats!

-Ms. Gillihan & Mr. Kent