Friday, November 18, 2016

Helpful WHAP Study Resource

Happy Friday!

One of your fellow WHAP warriors shared a website with us that has been really helpful to them in their studying this year, so we thought we would share! It's called Brainscape, and it can be downloaded as an app or accessed at

If you're wanting to improve your test grades, try something new and check it out!

Have a wonderful, safe, and fun Thanksgiving Break-you've earned it!!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Wednesday, 10/19

Lots of you will miss class on Wednesday, 10/19 due to the PSAT. As a result, you will need to do the following activities before your test on 10/27.
-Watch the Crash Course World History Mongols episode and fill out the video guide (link below)
-Print out and read the notes on the Mongols (link below)

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Friday, September 16, 2016

Ancient China Readings

If you didn't finish the Ancient China readings in class today, here are PDFs so you can finish at home this weekend. Also, don't forget to complete the India webquest!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Rome Intro Wrap-Up

If your class didn't get time to go through the wrap-up notes, here is a short lecture that elaborates more on Rome's transition from republic to Empire. You can take any necessary notes in the "My Notes" section on the back of your timeline circuit activity from class.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Greece Notes

In case you didn't finish copying down the notes from Thursday and Friday, here is the link to the power point.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Regional Map Instructions

If you did not finish the map today and need to access the instructions, here is the link. Remember, it is due tomorrow at the beginning of your class!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Textbook Access Instructions

Hello, WHAP Warriors!

Here are the instructions for how to access your online textbook! They are allowing us access much earlier this year than last year...yay! Your access code will be given to you in class. Please log on immediately to make sure you can read the book online. If you have any issues, the pages for the first quiz are included in PDF format in the previous blog.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Welcome to WHAP!

Welcome to World History AP (WHAP)! We are so excited to have you in class this year. You are the best of the best, and we're lucky to be your teachers! Despite what you've heard, WHAP is a very manageable just have to stay on top of things and ask us for help whenever you need it!

For your first couple of homework assignments, you'll be utilizing some of the links in the top right-hand corner. You can always double-check your homework or upcoming assignments by scrolling to the bottom of the page and viewing the calendar. Please be aware that you may need to actually click on the assignment and expand it to see the full extent of the assignment. Let us know if you have questions!

Your first reading quiz is scheduled for September 7th. If you keep up with the pages as we assign them, it's not hard to stay on top of things! To help you do this, we have scanned PDFs of the first set of reading pages since you don't have access to your online textbook quite yet. Here are the links where you can find the PDFs. Remember, your notes must be in your own handwriting and must be taken in the 3rd section of your 5-subject spiral notebook.

Voyages in World History, Pgs 19-24.pdf

Voyages In World History Pg. 45

Voyages in World History Pgs. 48-52

Voyages in World History, Pgs 54-55.pdf

Voyages in World History, Pgs 62-68.pdf

Voyages in World History, Pgs 86-91.pdf

If you're worried about reading notes, come in and ask us for help! We'll be happy to do a reading note tutorial with you until you get the hang of it.

Looking forward to a great year, Wildcats!

-Ms. Gillihan, Mr. Kent, & Mr. Schlarmann

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Tomorrow's the Big Day!

Well, WHAP warriors, you've made it. Tomorrow is the big day, the day we've been working towards all year. Ms. Jones and I are SO PROUD of you for sticking with this class all year and being such exceptional students. We know you will go into that test tomorrow and conquer it the same way you've conquered class all year. We want you to believe that, too! Be've got this!

A couple of helpful hints for tomorrow:

1. STOP STUDYING! If you must, go home and study this afternoon, but cut it off at 9:00 PM! Trust me, the one or two facts that you'll cram into your head will not be worth the lack of sleep and the anxiety that you'll give yourself by having an all-night cram session! Again, cut it off at 9:00, do something for an hour or so that you find relaxing, and then GO TO BED! Sleep will help more than you think tomorrow!
2. Eat a good breakfast in the morning! Protein is always a good idea (think eggs or breakfast meat of some kind)! DO NOT FILL UP ON COFFEE! This will make you jittery and anxious, and it will also make you have to use the restroom more quickly.
3. You can leave your backpacks in Ms. Gillihan or Ms. Jones' rooms. Then, report to the second gym! I know you don't have to be there until 7:30, but get there early! That way you'll be settled in and ready to go, not rushing around trying to get to your test. They will not wait for you if you are late!!!
4. Bring the following items: a jacket, two non-mechanical pencils, and two blue or black pens. You can also bring water and/or a snack for your break, but you cannot have these in the testing room with you.
5. Go in with CONFIDENCE! If you believe you can do it, you'll do it!!!!

Remember, after we explain the project tomorrow, you will get a free day. If you would like to bring snacks/drinks to share with the class, go for it!

Again, Ms. Jones and I are so proud of you, and we know you will do great tomorrow!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

WHAP Essay Sheets

Several of you have asked for the essay sheets, so here is a PDF of them. These are good to help you review the formats of the different essays, but remember, you CANNOT use them on the AP Exam.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Helpful Review Resources

Jeopardy- access to the Jeopardy review games we will play in class
  • Quizlet- has flash cards and matching games as well as practice tests

  • Get a Five
Has lessons, timelines, quizzes, etc.

If you haven't registered for Get a Five yet, here's how:

1. Visit and click on "I'm a student".
2. On the students page, choose "AP World History".
3. On the AP World History page, click on the "Enroll now" button.
4. Create an account or log in if you're already signed up.
5. You're now in your personal Study Room.
  • Time Maps
Excellent interactive timeline- again, this will help those of you struggling with chronology!!!

  • Learnerator

Provides great mulitple choice questions for each time period and an explanation of each correct answer. Catch is that you have to pay for full access, but many materials are available free of charge!

  • Technology Education and Reference Center (TERC)
  • How to get there:
  • 2.      Parents and Students
    3.      Library Resources
    4.      Under Test Prep – click on TERC (Testing and Education Reference Center) link
    Password: lonestar
    Click on High School Tools for Academic Skills Question Banks, AP Tests, GED, and STAAR.
    You will need to register because that is the only way to show test scores and progress each time taking a test or course. You must SAVE your work as you go – do not click SCORE until you are finished with test.
    An email isn’t required, but know that if you don’t enter an email, then you won’t be able to get username or password help if you forget either of those.  This is also the only way to be shown your test scores and track your progress.

Zero Hour Links

If you are absent on Friday, 4/15 or Monday, 4/18, you will miss the video "Zero Hour" about 9/11. Here are the links on youtube. You will need to watch it on  your own time, as there will be questions on the Modern Times Quiz on 4/19. (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Monday, February 29, 2016

Thursday and Friday (3/3, 3/4)

If you are going to be absent Thursday and/or Friday, here is the assignment so you can still get it done.

On Thursday, we are watching a video called "Hitler and Stalin: Roots of Evil." You can find this at the link below or by going to and searching for "Hitler and Stalin Roots of Evil." As you watch the video, make a Venn Diagram comparing Hitler and Stalin.

On Friday, we will be having a debate/discussion about who was worse, Hitler or Stalin. Your Venn Diagram will count as your written portion for the debate. If you are going to be absent on Friday, you need to write an 8-10 sentence paragraph with your argument: Who was worse, Hitler or Stalin? Pick one and back it up with facts from the video and any additional information you may know.

This will be a daily grade.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Diplomacy Make-Up

If you are absent Wednesday-Friday, you will need to complete the following assignment to earn your 10 participation points for the day.

Please write me a 5-7 sentence paragraph addressing the following:
-Why are we playing Diplomacy?
-What parallels does it have to World War I?
-What strategies were used in World War I? Do you plan on using any of those in Diplomacy? Why or why not?
-How important do you think alliances were in the real war? In Diplomacy?
-Who has been the most successful in your particular game of Diplomacy? (which country) Why do you think this is?

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Registering for Diplomacy

1. Step 1: go to
2. Step 2: Click on "register" in the upper right-hand corner.
3. Enter anti-script code and email address. Then click "Validate me"
4. You will then need to go to your email and wait for an email from Diplomacy. It will be from "webDip Gamemaster" Open this email, and click on the first hyperlink in the email. This will take you to the page where you create your username and password.
5. Create a username and email. Write these down! Also write down the email you used!
6. When you're done, click update, and you're good to go!

Please email Mrs. Jones or me with any questions!

Remember, you must come to class tomorrow with your username and password already created. If you hold up your game from beginning to play because you cannot log in, you will lose your 10 participation points for the day!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Friday, February 12, 2016

Economics Lecture

If we did not get through the notes today because of our poetry slam, here are some notes over new economic systems that develop as a result of the Industrial Revolution and Imperialism. We will learn more about them next week.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Absolute Monarch Recap

Here is a recap for the absolute monarchs. You will need to understand this information for your essay on Friday, January 15th.

 Remember, this is a CCOT essay, so not only will you  need to reference the Age of Absolutism in your essay, but you will need to revisit topics on Europe we have already studied (hint: end of Middle Ages, Reformation, Exploration, etc.).