Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Registering for Diplomacy

1. Step 1: go to www.webdiplomacy.net
2. Step 2: Click on "register" in the upper right-hand corner.
3. Enter anti-script code and email address. Then click "Validate me"
4. You will then need to go to your email and wait for an email from Diplomacy. It will be from "webDip Gamemaster" Open this email, and click on the first hyperlink in the email. This will take you to the page where you create your username and password.
5. Create a username and email. Write these down! Also write down the email you used!
6. When you're done, click update, and you're good to go!

Please email Mrs. Jones or me with any questions!

Remember, you must come to class tomorrow with your username and password already created. If you hold up your game from beginning to play because you cannot log in, you will lose your 10 participation points for the day!

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