Friday, September 29, 2017

Textbook Access Instructions

To access your online textbook, open the link below with instructions.

You will need the following access key: ELPPNMQCPPP1J5

Once you open the online book, MindTap will be where you actually read the textbook. You can see which sections to read by looking at the calendar on the bottom of the blog. They will be listed as MT______ (ex. MT8-3A) which will correspond to the table of contents on your online book.

Please do not wait to start logging on to the textbook. While the first and second sets of reading pages are in PDF format to give you time to get any issues with the online book/electronic availability worked out, starting on October 4th, you will be expected to read the book exclusively online.

Classical Empires Recap

Thursday, September 21, 2017

China SAQ prompts-Due Monday (Gillihan's classes)

Here are the SAQ prompts for the Chinese philosophies. Remember, you are only doing ONE PART of ONE QUESTION over the weekend. These will be due on Monday! You are welcome to do more if you'd like extra practice.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

SAQ How-To and Examples

Here is the power point from class that we used to learn the SAQ. There are some additional examples we did NOT cover, so feel free to write those as practice. I'd be happy to look over them and give you feedback.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

For Parents Only-Open House Presentation 2017

Hi parents and guardians!

Thank you for attending open house. Below, you'll find the link that will take you to the power point that was running throughout the night. Please feel free to email me anytime with questions. My email is Looking forward to a great year!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Note-taking Video

This video will be shown to newcomers at every note-taking tutorial, so if you want to get a step ahead (or if you can't make it to tutoring), watch this video! It gives some good ideas on how to take notes in a way that ensures you are PROCESSING the information, not just copying it down with no understanding. It also has some great suggestions for visual learners.

Note-taking tutorials will continue through Friday, 9/22!

Map Instructions

Due Friday, 9/15

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Reading Quiz 2 Pages

Here is the PDF for Reading Quiz #2 on 10/4. After this reading quiz, you will be expected to access the book online, so don't forget to work on logging in!

The pages go in order as assigned on the calendar, but they are all combined into one file. Depending on your computer, it may be necessary to rotate the image once you open it. Let us know if you have any issues!